Weekly Round up

Hello friends these are articles from various newspapers other than The Hindu, the purpose is to provide you best of the articles from various newspapers which are inline with the mains syllabus which will help you understand a topic in much better way and help you enhance your mains answers and essay.

Please let us know what you think about these articles , feedback is always welcome.

UPSC 2016 Weekly round up Week 06

The UPSC Weekly round up Week 06 brings all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current Week 06 is from February 8, 2016 until (and including) Sunday February 14, 2016.

Parivarthan Weekly Round up

Posted this week Vision IAS 2016 Current affairs


All India radio Spotlight Analysis

RajyaSabha TV

Insights on India Editorial and Daily Current affairs


Project syndicate ,Gateway House,

Optional read


Selected EPW for UPSC 2016

  1. Focus on Economy, Not Deficit
  2. No Method in the Madness


I pour tremendous time, thought, resources, and love into bringing you Parivarthan. If you find it useful, please consider supporting us.

UPSC 2016 Weekly round up Week 05

Te UPSC Weekly round up Week 03 brings all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current Week 05 is from February 1, 2016 until (and including) Sunday February 7, 2016.

Parivarthan Weekly Round up


All India radio Spotlight Analysis

AIR spotlight news analysis 2016 month wise

RajyaSabha TV

Insights on India Editorial and Daily Current affairs

Project syndicate ,Gateway House, PIB

Optional read


Selected EPW for UPSC 2016

UPSC 2016 Weekly round up Week 03

The UPSC Weekly round up Week 03 brings all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current Week 01 is from Monday January 18, 2016 until (and including) Sunday January 24, 2016.

Parivarthan Weekly Round up


All India radio Spotlight Analysis

RajyaSabha TV

Insights on India Editorial and Daily Current affairs


Project syndicate ,Gateway House, IR

Optional read


Selected EPW for UPSC 2016

Like our effort ? Please leave your valuable feedback and suggestions. please consider supporting us.

UPSC 2016 Weekly round up Week 02

The UPSC Weekly round up Week 02 brings all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current Week 01 is from Monday January 11, 2016 until (and including) Sunday January 17, 2016.

We are changing our email subscription method, please subscribe to the new system by entering your email in the sidebar, or below post or For full details read this post Please read Important Update !

Weekly round up, Last week a small poll suggested that people expect us to cover more resources and more links, Our Honest belief is that read 4-5 sources and read them more times, though we provide all links, we honestly hope you only skim all of them and choose only the ones you missed.

The idea being, what you read from these sources are mostly useful in mains, that too only Paper 2&3 , as paper 1&4 are static. So just for two papers reading so much ? will you be able to recollect the important points from new defence procurement policy or crop insurance schemes  or about stand up India in December  ? or just have a vague idea and write some thing in mains like every one else ?

Without revision all the effort is useless, no point at all, contrary to what people imagine, mains hall is a whole different game, you will use your common sense and story telling ability more than any thing, writing practice will help you improve your skills.

Follow your own strategy , you dont have to read too many things, read few things with clarity and note down some key words on each topic, that will be enough. We suggest Newspapers+ Economic survey+yojana + AIR spotlight + LS/RS TV debates and vision IAS material . these are heavy weights , rest all for gaining take aways and additional dimensions.

For prelims or mains revision is key , so Limit the sources and revise more times , on that note here is this weeks roundup.

Parivarthan Weekly Round up


All India radio Spotlight Analysis

AIR spotlight news analysis 2016 month wise

RajyaSabha TV

Insights on India Editorial and Daily Current affairs


Project syndicate

Optional read

Bankers adda GKtoday Daily Current affairs

GK today



Selected EPW for UPSC 2016

 Like our effort ? Please leave your valuable feedback and suggestions. please consider supporting us.

UPSC 2016 Weekly round up Week 01

The UPSC Weekly round up Week 01 brings all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current Week 01 is from Monday January 4, 2016 until (and including) Sunday January 10, 2016.


All India radio Spotlight Analysis

AIR spotlight news analysis 2016 month wise

RajyaSabha TV

Insights on India Editorial and Daily Current affairs


Project syndicate

Optional read

Bankers adda Daily Current affairs


Selected EPW for UPSC 2016

UPSC Weekly round up Week 51

The UPSC Weekly round up Week 51 brings all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current week is from December 14, 2015 to December 20 , 2015.


All India radio Spotlight Analysis

RajyaSabha TV

Insights on India Editorial and Daily Current affairs


Project syndicate

Optional read

Bankers adda Daily Current affairs


Gateway House IR

UPSC Weekly round up Week 50

The UPSC Weekly round up Week 50 brings all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current week is from December 7, 2015 to December 13 , 2015.


All India radio Spotlight Analysis

RajyaSabha TV

Insights on India Editorial and Daily Current affairs

Mrunal Bhai

Project syndicate

Optional read

Bankers adda Daily Current affairs


Gateway House IR

Optional read

Downloads :

UPSC Weekly round up Week 49

The UPSC Weekly round up Week 48 bring all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current week is from November 30, 2015 to December 6, 2015.


All India radio Spotlight Analysis


RajyaSabha TV Big picture

Insights on India Editorial and Daily Current affairs

Mrunal Bhai

Project syndicate

This is optional read.

Bankers adda Daily Current affairs


Gateway House IR

Optional read

UPSC Weekly round up Week 48

The UPSC Weekly round up Week 48 bring all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current week is from November 23, 2015 to November 29, 2015.


All India radio Spotlight Analysis

RajyaSabha TV Big picture

Insights on India Editorial and Daily Current affairs

Mrunal Bhai

Project syndicate

This is optional read.

Bankers adda Daily Current affairs


Gateway House IR

Optional read

I pour tremendous time, thought, resources, and love into bringing you Parivarthan. If you find it useful, please consider supporting us.

UPSC Weekly round up Week 47

The UPSC Weekly round up Week 47 bring all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current week is from November 16, 2015 to November 22, 2015.

Newspapers :

All India Radio Spotlight News analysis

Yojana and Kurukshetra

Rajyasabha TV


Insights on India


Material for exam (xaam)

If you can afford books buy them, if you really cannot or in a extremely remote location these are for you.

Bnakers adda Daily current affairs

These are optional read.

Project Syndicate and Gateway house

These are optional read.

UPSC Weekly round up Week 46

The weekly roundup bring all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current week is from November 9, 2015 to November 15, 2015.

If you are not comfortable with daily emails, you can subscribe via Feedly.

Newspapers :

News on AIR Spotlight,Yojana & Kurukshetra

 UPSC  Study Material Free download ebooks,audio classes and much more.

Rajya Sabha TV

Insights on India

Bankers Adda and Affairs Cloud : Daily Current Affairs


Like the effort ? Dont forget to Support us .

UPSC Weekly round up Week 45

The weekly roundup bring all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current week is from November 2, 2015 to November 8, 2015.

We discontinued it long back, now trying to revive it.

If you are not comfortable with daily emails, you can subscribe via Feedly.

Newspapers :

News on AIR Spotlight,Yojana & Kurukshetra

 UPSC  Study Material Free download ebooks,audio classes and much more.

Rajya Sabha TV

Insights on India

Mrunal :

Bankers Adda :


Download and Material for exam :

Missing any other good resource ? do let us know. Hope this helps 🙂

Weekly Round September 6

This is a weekly round up of all the Important sources which are useful for mains 2015 preparation , trying to look back this week, at all important UPSC sources.

My Highest priority is to News Papers :

  1. Suggested Articles for 5th September 2015
  2. Suggested Articles for 4th September 2015
  3. Suggested Articles for 3rd September 2015
  4. Suggested Articles for 2nd September 2015
  5. Suggested Articles for 1st September 2015
  6.  Suggested Articles for 31st August 2015
  1. Next Yojana , September Yojana is on Smart cities and Transforming Urban landscape, which is very important for mains, so please do buy it,read it. here is a link Yojana free archives .
  2. Also we have updated AIR Spotlight news analysis in our Google drive from January to till date. Organised month wise and renamed. This Includes this weeks audio too.
  3. Coming to  Rajya Sabha big picture. I have a mixed feeling about this weeks episodes , so suggesting them as optional.
  4. We have created a dedicated Mains 2015 page, which includes most of the above things, but this post comes out every Sunday, that page is updated daily.
  5. Biggest Surprise of this week is Mrunal bhai have not released his prelims key so far. you can check other keys here.
  6. As usual Insights daily questions are useful. I find their daily Insights Daily Current Events even more useful for revision.
  7. Also MFE site is posting lot of updates, too much material is not good,but Insight Secure 2015 compilations Jan- August 2015 is always welcome.
  8. many test series have started from today, so expecting lot of question papers and scans in various sites soon.
  9. Finally please don’t waste time thinking about prelims result, and focus on your optional too friends.


Please use UPSC filters while reading these articles, take facts and other useful analysis only.

As of now for this week I find these things useful,based on your feed back and suggestions (If any) will post an improved article next Sunday. All the best 🙂

Remember No detail is too small, no effort is too big !

Weekly Round Up of UPSC Sources: Week 08

The weekly roundup bring all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis,Rajyasabha videos  and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current week is from Monday February 16th, 2015 until (and including) Sunday February 22nd, 2015.

AIR Spotlight News Analysis:


Current Affairs:

News Papers:


Weekly Round Up of UPSC Sources: Week 07

The weekly roundup bring all the important articles from various sources like Magazines, Newspapers, Websites, Spotlight analysis,Rajyasabha videos  and other sources which are helpful in competitive exam preparation. The current week is from Monday February 9th, 2015 until (and including) Sunday February 15th, 2015.

AIR spot light news analysis


Current Affairs:

Bankers Adda: 9th / 10th / 11th / 12th / 13th / 14th/ 15th

Gr8AmbitionZ: 9th / 10th / 11th / 12th / 13th / 14th/ 15th

News Papers: