Was The Law followed ?

Following the law seems to be a problem for Indians as they are getting impatient day by day ,In the race to become super power or chasing Utopian ideas the tendency to see law as an obstacle is increasing .And I argue that the ruled are imitating the ruler.

Guess WHO  I am ?

Mr.X : I am a 17 year old kid , my father is very poor and I am uneducated , one day I asked him for new clothes for festival and he refused to buy them for obvious reasons I became angry and ran away from home ,met some bad people and came to India did some really bad things and Indian government caught me and though saying rule of law will be  followed it did not .

Mr.A : I was convicted in court and ordered to be hanged , no issues , but when they will hang me  I never know and that is agony I tell you, suddenly with out telling any one fatak I am hanged .

Mr.K: I am an well educated person and I am impatient and to tell people that others are not following law, I decided to break the law and support other law breakers .

Mr.U: I usually follow the law but once in a while I decide to break the law though in a small way of course .

MR.S: I don’t break any law and I just remain silent when I know other are breaking it just out of compulsion and to show my loyalty .

I know many of you guessed correctly , X is kasab,A is afzal guru,K is kejriwal,U is common man (you and me),S is manmohan singh.

Ajaml Kasab 

What kasab did was Unpardonable but we celebrate a victory by hanging him, No loss of human life, however despicable the individual might have been, ought to be a reason for celebration.With out even pushing Pakistan to handover the real criminals who brain washed him , they are the one’s who we need to bring to justice .

“President and the Ministry of Home Affairs … respect the practice of promptly informing the individual, his lawyers, his family, of the decision, reasons for the decision, and proposed date of execution as well as the public of any scheduled execution.” Ajmal Kasab was hanged in secrecy on November 21, 2012.

This was government saying to people that we don’t follow law all the time ! Ok people were too angry, kasab  have no family to inform and his hanging made so many people and families who lost their loved ones in 2008 Mumbai attacks happy , but It made me sad to an extent , as I said earlier the real culprits are still at large and this hanging almost closed the case of Mumbai attacks .The government just to make some factions happy buried the rule book .

V. R. KRISHNA IYER says that “Society made him a criminal and a murderer” (November 25, 2012 A question of rights and wrongs TheHindu) .and the counter argument Did society make Kasab a criminal? . But what ever he is what the government did is wrong , it should follow the rules in letter and spirit.

Yesterday Supreme Court of India commutes death sentence for 15 and clarified that that a death sentence could be commuted to life imprisonment if there had been delay in a decision on a mercy petition or in case a prisoner condemned to death suffers from a mental ailment. There must not be solitary confinement of prisoners, said the court.

And a person headed for the gallows, as it were, must be informed of the rejection of a mercy petition, and before the death sentence is executed, he or she must be accorded an opportunity to meet with family members.

this judgement is  answer and reward for my belief in the system and Institutions ,let me refresh your memory

  • Ajmal Kasab was hanged in secrecy on November 21, 2012.
  •  Afzal Guru was hanged On February 9, 2013
  • Supreme court Judgement on January 21,2014

It took almost an year for the SC to make things better, but it did FINALLY ! but sadly doesn’t government know this ? It does , more than rules its commonsense , how can you send a post telling that your family member is about to be hanged ?

Afzal guru is the convict not his family,his kid never had the chance to see his father for last time (don’t argue that the families that lost loved ones in Parliament attack also did not get the chance , then what is the difference between you and terrorists) The letter sent by speed post reached them two days after he had been executed.

Goverment simply chose not to follow the law .Usha Ramanathan in this article The disturbing truth about an execution explains all that is wrong with afzal gurus hanging .

Arvind Kejriwal the man who injected some democracy back in Indian system is another kind of law breaker , and worst part is he thinks its ok in order to make the system better , As Nivedita Menon puts in this article A letter to Kejriwal what his law minister did is completely wrong ,

Media reports also indicate that for the purpose of collecting their urine samples, one of them was forced to urinate in public. To add to this abuse and trauma, they were also subjected to not only body search but humiliating invasive physical searches of their private parts.

I understand that police were not taking action and the minister was upset , ok stand there get a warrant ,ask all foreigners to cooperate , AAP volunteers are not above law .

and Kejriwal is supporting them , seriously ? some sanity should prevail, may be an apology and steps that such incidents by ministers are not repeated would have increased you moral authority rather than blindly supporting him for the sake of supporting.

The common man , how many of us break the law , thinking that no harm is done to the system , jumping the signal , paying bribe to get the documents, driving licence, worst of of not voting (thought its not compulsory) you by not voting are in a way breaking the rules (rules of society).As an educated person many of us are not participating in democracy .

Coming to Manmohan singh , I am so angry on him that I decide to give him the silent treatment,trying to beat him in his own game , he is the Grandmaster of silence , the Magnus carlsen of Loyalty  (To family and Congress of-course ) ,the Pivot of silence he sent to India is grand success .Finally History is not going to be kind to you Mr. Singh ,your own party will cut all ties with you. If only you had resigned in the right time and spilled all that is wrong in your Administration History would have remembered you as a great patriot and man with spine !

what I wanted to say through this post is that following Institutional route is much better than taking the impatient path, if the Supreme court judgement came is say April 2013 I mean fast ,immediately ,people will trust the institutions and system more , even better if the government did not gave a chance for the SC to give such judgment by upholding law all the time and injecting more professionalism in its execution of work then we will be in much better position .

In the Animal Farm by George Orwell in the end The Seven Commandments are abridged to a single phrase: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”. This in my opinion is sadly what is happening in India .some are more equal and some are less equal than others. but what happened to All  are equal ?

This should stop and equality should be brought back and the right time is now !