Prelims Important Material and Links

I see a lot of sites and blogs coming up for UPSC aspirants ,every one trying to help in their own way and share the good stuff with the aspirants, so here are some Prelims Important Material and Links

Starting with Previous GS papers, all are scans from UPSC site.

Affairs cloud have done a tremendous job in collecting all the schemes at one place.

Need your help and support for Prelims Important Material and Links,

Friends if you have a blog or site do share with us mail to or use the comments section, if you know any other site which have good content or material please do share with us, we all love Insights and Mrunal so , sites other than them will be wonderful 🙂

7 thoughts on “Prelims Important Material and Links”

  1. Sir please check
    Unfortunately they are not offering any free service. The sample questions from The Hindu is extremely useful.
    Please try to arrange a compilation of their quiz.

    To my fellow aspirants,
    If anyone have subscribed their quiz kindly share it.


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