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- Niti aayog School education quality index report-what are the various parameters
- Learning outcomes -access outcomes
- National achievement survey
- Question: What are Pull and Push factors in relation to education of girl child ?
- Article 370
- who are considered as juveniles
- Eight core sectors of index of industrial production their weightage
- Repo linked lending rates
- association of southeast Asian nations
- Indian solutions for global applications
- Ganga and Yamuna rivers
- National mission for clean Ganga
- jal shakti ministry
- Lidar mapping -remote sensing
- OECD countries
- Corporate tax
- Ease of doing business
- what do you understand by non agricultural sectors
- election commission of India
- criminalisation of politics
- prevention of corruption act
- Lily Thomas judgement
- judicial review process in India
- periodic labour force survey
- what is labour force
- how is unemployment calculated
- what is demographic dividend demographic burden
- What is disguised unemployment
- model tenancy act
- United nation general assembly
- 450GW of renewable energy how and when ?
- current account deficit — its relation to foreign direct investment, foreign portfolio investment, invisible receipts and external commercial borrowings.
- what is foreign exchange reserves in India
- what is balance of payments
- fiscal deficit
- Ujwal discom assurance Yojana
- FRBM act – Fiscal deficit of states ?