These are Suggested Articles for 5th January 2015 please go through them and read only if you find them useful,Reading Just The Hindu will also do.The Hindu saved us lot of time by publishing Shiv Visvanathan’s article, please avoid it at any cost.
Paper 1 & 4
- Lexicon of democratic literacy – The Hindu
- From smart cities to climate smart cities | Business Line
- Ashok Lahiri: Reform: so much, and so little | Business Standard Column
- Ministry of control | The Indian Express
- The village that could be a town | The Indian Express | Page 99
- Rear View: How Rajiv had a great fall | The Indian Express | Page 99
Paper 2
- A case to share more information – The Hindu
- Arbitrary use of power – The Hindu
- NJAC to face second challenge – The Hindu
- A better plan, this | Business Line
- The new commission | Business Standard Editorials
- Prabhu-led panel bats for more empowered players in coal mining | Business Standard News
Paper 3
- Science Congress lauds feats of ancient India – The Hindu
- NASA explores inflatable spacecraft technology – The Hindu
- Raising voice over net neutrality – The Hindu
- Furthering financial inclusion – The Hindu
- Rajasthan hits the ground running | Business Line
- The banking agenda | Business Standard Editorials
- Power to the consumer | Business Standard News Insurance related
- BS Primer: Banking on small and payment banks | Business Standard News
- Jitender Bhargava: How private airlines destroyed Indian aviation | Business Standard Column
- Powering up Make-in-India | The Financial Express
- Falling short, again | The Indian Express
- Over the Barrel: Oilpolitik | The Indian Express | Page 99
These are just suggestions,First read The Hindu selectively then go through IE Opinion page,then skim through other papers if you find those articles useful only then read them.