In September 2014, Staff selection commission had conducted Tier-2 re-examination of the CGL-2013 cycle. its result and separate cutoffs are declared.
Successful Roll Numbers
Successful Roll numbers in SSC CGL 2013 Tier2 Re-exam. Click on following links to open PDF files:
- List1: All Interview posts except Statistical jobs
- List2: Statistical Jobs
- List3: All Non-Interview posts
- List4: Only Tax Assistant Job
How many cleared Tier-2 exam?All Interview posts: | 8,613 |
Statistical Investigator/Compiler only: | 826 |
Non-Interview posts only: | 20,727 |
Tax Assistant only: | 15 |
Cutoffs List1: All Interview minus STAT.
All Posts except Statistical jobsCategory | T1+T2 | Players |
SC | 359.25 | 1386 |
ST | 345.75 | 628 |
OBC | 395.75 | 2860 |
Ex.S | 345 | 253 |
OH | 345 | 115 |
HH | 228 | 95 |
VH | 315.25 | 43 |
UR | 424.5 | 3233 |
Total | | 8613 |
- If you cleared List-1 and opted for Assistant in CSS, then you’ll have to give computer proficiency test.
- If you cleared for Interview in List-1 and List-2, then you’ll have to give interview only once.
Cutoffs List2: Statistical
qualified for Statistical jobsCategory | T1+T2 | Players |
SC | 364.5 | 132 |
ST | 324 | 63 |
OBC | 410.25 | 322 |
UR | 443.25 | 309 |
total | | 826 |
Cutoff List 3: All Non-interview
in for all Non-Interview postsCategory | T1+T2 | Players |
SC | 334 | 2926 |
ST | 314 | 1413 |
OBC | 368.5 | 7021 |
Ex.S | 226 | 1680 |
OH | 305.75 | 354 |
HH | 201.5 | 154 |
VH | 300.25 | 60 |
UR | 401 | 7119 |
total | | 20727 |
Cutoff List 4: Tax assistant
qualified only for the Tax-assistant jobCategory | T1+T2 | Players |
SC | 334 | 3 |
ST | 314 | 6 |
OBC | 368.5 | 3 |
Ex.S | 226 | 1 |
OH | 305.75 | 3 |
HH | 201.5 | 0 |
VH | 300.25 | 0 |
UR | 401 | 3 |
total | | 15* |