Eight Threats to Freedom of Expression – Ramachandra Guha

India, I have long maintained, is a fifty-fifty democracy. In some respects—such as free and fair elections, free movement of people—we are as democratic as any other country in the world. In other respects we lag noticeably behind. One such area is the freedom of expression.

The Eight threats:

  • Archaic colonial laws
  • Imperfections in the judiciary
  • Rising importance of identity politics
  • Police forces’ support lumpen forces
  • Active connivance of all political parties
  • Dependence of regional media on government advertising
  • Dependence of English media on corporate advertising
  • Careerist or ideologically driven writers

Seven Threats To Freedom Of Expression, The Telegraph

Ramachandra Guha On Youth Ki Awaaz

This post is a series of videos of interview of Ramchandra Guha for Youth ki Awaaz, He speaks on a wide range of topics from Indira Gandhi to Idea of India,do watch this wisdom filled interview,will be useful for all stages of preparation and also gaining different perspectives.

 Ramachandra Guha On The ‘Ideas Of India’, And More

Ramachandra Guha On The ‘Demographic Dividend’ Becoming The ‘Demographic Disaster’

Ramachandra Guha On Indira Gandhi Vs. Narendra Modi, And More

Ramchandra Guha Nehru’s Nationalism – And Ours.

Nehru’s reservations about a narrow form of nationalism predate his years as in office. On 14th December 1932, writing to his daughter Indira from prison, he remarked:

‘Nationalism is good in its place, but it is an unreliable friend and an unsafe historian. It blinds us to many happenings, and sometimes distorts the truth, especially when it concerns our own history. So we have to be wary, when considering the recent history of India, lest we cast all the blame for our misfortunes on the British’.