Parivarthan read between the lines is an initiative to help students self study rather than depend on some source for current affairs preparation . Some of you have expressed some doubts about how the program helps.
- The interest and curiosity of the aspirant are the primary targets of this program, our intention is to provoke them and make him/her do some research.
- Let’s assume you are a fresher and you have not focused enough on syllabus copy, previous mains and prelims papers , so you don’t know what are important key words/topics that you are supposed to learn.
- Example “quasi judicial bodies” this is a key word in an article, you may know what it is, you may not.
- we ask a question: what are quasi judicial bodies — you at least come to know what they are
- Few days again in news SEBI -IRDA – NHRC or some other body will be in news — which of them are quasi judicial bodies ? you will put in some effort .
- we keep repeating this process on a regular basis, with multiple revisions you will not only know what is quasi judicial bodies, you will also know what are the examples
- Advantage ? you can answer mains questions, (2016 mains GS paper 2 question ) What is quasi judicial body? Explain with the help of concrete examples.
- The same logic applies to almost all mains syllabus example: Article 370 ? Fiscal Deficit ? Data Localisation ? Layered approach with out rote learning and burdening your self with lot of information in short period of time.
- Every day marginal gains make huge difference We can call this The 1 Percent Rule
- Prelims papers are also testing in depth knowledge with crystal clear clarity, so instead of superficial reading of broad range of topics UPSC is expecting depth from aspirants, so continuous revision of topics which are in news will help.
- Example:
- 5G technology – it’s in the news now days (almost every day) – how many of you know exactly what is latency and how is it better than 4G? S & T revision
- What is zero hour ? starred and unstarred questions ? we expect you to open laxmikanth and read Parliament chapter selectively. Polity
- What is WPI ? base year ? Ramesh singh will help Economy
- Bio accumulation or magnification – Shankar book will help
- In this way picking up keywords/ topics from static will help you revise static syllabus as well. Again 1-2 topics a day with out burdening you .
- So you read Current affairs, static syllabus daily from almost all the subjects , then you will revise it multiple times and interconnect with other sections of the syllabus.
- This also stops you from doing PHD (I mean time waste) on one topic in particular as you have so many topics to read you will restrict your self to some basic study and then move on.
- 3-4 months down the line you know meaning and have basic idea about all the key words which you see in newspapers.
- Then depending on their importance and relevance in the news you will focus more on some and ignore some.
- Answer writing : With more conceptual clarity and good repository of keywords , you can write precise and quality answers .
- example: using appropriate words in appropriate places makes a huge difference in the answers
- Pink collar jobs, sunrise industries, etc.
- Refer to Anudeep’s Gs paper 2 and Gs paper 3 answers for understanding the usage of exact keywords and conveying the message.
- Lastly : We use our experience + Syllabus + prelims + mains papers as filtering mechanism to tell total freshers to focus on them, because of their inexperience and exposure they may ignore certain topics and key words, we at least act as a warning mechanism till you can do this on your own .
- Do I have to work so hard ? IMHO it’s smart work rather than hard work, as you are focusing on precise topic or question .
- Can I read magazines : we are not against them, but again IMHO it should be a revision rather than a first source of information. Your notes and your efforts are the strength and core of your preparation.
- Notes making: You most certainly should write down facts and data. Analysis should be developed around them. Static books have all the static keywords (zero Hour) so just keep revising the books.
- Do I need to go in depth or basic reading will do ? it totally depends on topic and which stage of preparation are you in. For freshers just basic idea will do.
- I still have some doubts : You can mail to [email protected] or ping me on Telegram @naylak
- Thank you for your valuable time and patience.
It’s been a month with and I realised that this is what ‘smart work’ is…which toppers always suggest to the CSE aspirants. Thank u and All the best Kalyan sir and team for such a great initiative.. Shashi
Thank you and all the best.
Thank you so much …… your initiative and efforts are different from others . Where you force us to think, search and act on those keywords……keep it up sir atleast I found this proces very helpful.
Thank you.
It’s really appreciable. Thanks a lot. Can you please provide the plus PDF which you provide just before the prelims in monthly basis. Thank you
Smart work will fetch us result and IKSA has been a guiding light…really a great initiative..never ever stop..
great initiative, loads of thanks.
I am really thankful to IKSA and my friend who directed me to IKSA, shall always be grateful.
Happy you feel that way 🙂 Welcome to Parivarthan!