Mains 2015

This page is to assist and be a signboard to all the UPSC Mains 2015 materials,links,question papers ,optional strategies that are available on net which are useful for mains 2015 preparation . Will try to update this post with as much relevant information as possible.

If you have joined or joining any test series, or have any useful material please do mail us the question papers, PDF scans to

The Most useful stuff in no particular order :

  1. Hindu
  2. Indian Express
  3. Yojana Magazine month wise download
  4. Test series and previous year question papers
  5. EPW- Kurukshetra (selectively) Month wise download
  6. AIR spotlight news analysis Month wise download
  7. Loksabha – Rajyasabha TV videos (selectively)
  8. Vision/Sri Ram/Vaji Ram IAS material
  9. Download Free Study Material for UPSC

Most useful Sites :

Question paper & Materials

YouTube Playlists

Insight Hindu News analysis videos (Month wise)

  1. Insight Hindu News analysis  April
  2. Insight Hindu News analysis May
  3. Insight Hindu News analysis June
  4. Insight Hindu News analysis July 
  5. Insight Hindu News analysis August
  6. Insight Hindu News analysis September

IAS Baba Monthly Yojana Magazine Gist

Insights Daily Current Events PDF compiled.

  1. January 2015 Insights Current Events
  2. February 2015 Insights Current Events
  3. March 2015 Insights Current Events
  4. April 2015 Insights Current Events
  5. May 2015 Insights Current Events
  6. June 2015 Insights Current Events
  7. July 2015 Insights Current Events
  8. August 2015 Insights Current Events

INSIGHTS SECURE – 2015 compilation PDF

  1. January to April – 2015
  2. April – 27 to May 09
  3. May to August – 2015


Essay and GS :

Strategy :


12 thoughts on “Mains 2015”

  1. hello kalyan sir

    is this the detailed stratergy for mains..please elaborate as its my first time thats why confused as to wht to pic and how to do it

    • Hi, This is not any strategy but in general these are most useful books and links,depending on your comfort zone you can choose what to read and what not to read.

      For maximum output – I suggest Hindu + Yojana – rest all optional .

    • hi, I am sure UPSC reforms will take time, even if they implement it will be from 2017 or later but not immediately. yes there is a committee for reforms, but age is a complex issue so they will take time to reform it. I am sure gen category 2016 5th attempt will be there. Every thing will be in next official notification , so dont listen to any news rumours.

    • Start with basic NCERT books, refer mrunal site for which chapters in which class for a specific topic, after that go for Rajesh verma book. do all the level one problems. for csat maths is of basic level dont worry.

  2. Is there anyone who chose law as their optionals or can u refer any blogs or websites of previous Ias aspirants to get a general idea about those papers. I am not from a LLB background .

    • Hi,

      You can start by reading toppers suggestion on essays, Guarav agrawal’s blog etc, also can read toppers essay sheets in vision IAS for Ideas. Above all try to form a group ans brainstorm ideas when ever possible, hope this helps.


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