UPSC Topper Tina Dabi Marks

These are marks of UPSC Topper Tina Dabi, she got all India rank 1 in Civil services exam 2015 conducted by UPSC,found her marks on net posting them here.

  • Essay: 145/250
  • GS Paper 1 :119/250
  • GS Paper 2 :84/250
  • GS Paper 3 :111/250
  • GS Paper 4 :110/250
  • GS Total: 424/ 1000
  • Political Sci & IR Paper 1 : 128/250
  • Political Science & IR Paper 2 : 171/250
  • Optional total :299/ 500
  • Written total : 868/ 1750
  • Interview :195/275
  • Total : 1063 /2025
  • AI Rank : 1

Update : Prelims Marks 

  • Paper 1 : 96.66
  • Paper 2 : 98.73
  • Total : 195.39

14 thoughts on “UPSC Topper Tina Dabi Marks”

  1. Excellent job!!!……….. 1st attempt and you scored very well. You really deserve it. You success is inspirational.

    All the best!

  2. U r inspiration to me that low score in prelims is not just a pass for mains…but promises such a plunder…even as I prepare starting from scratch an given that I have to finish in 70 days I wonder how can a cutoff score in prelims not mean a cutoff score in mains…i am praying for my fortunes but seems like there’s magical formula…fact that mains and prelims mark do dictate each other has been proven wrong..whats the magic….how can u make mains and prelims look so different….u r a godly inspiration….u stand a proof of something…from my zero experience I dare to propose that ias mains is becoming very opinion based exam where a candidate can keep expressing his ideas he moulded with minimal information….and like this he can score wonders….i don’t need experience to suspect the same about personality test….i haven’t seen my 1st question of mains as yet and I have said I have zero experience and I am posting opinion about what examiner is looking for in mains…..but I am the zero expressing what things are looking like to a zero

  3. What is scheme of marks, ’I mean all the Q carry equal marks or there is distinction of marks b/w differnt Qs.’

    Plz Explain…

    If possible, plz mail me the answer…..

    I’ll B very thnkful 2 U


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